IMPACT - Der Hebel für mehr Verkaufserfolg!

Thomas Koller
Managing Partner, Founder

„Standard solutions are no help with difficult tasks – and that’s when our customers seek external support!“
Thomas Koller studied industrial engineering for machine construction. He is familiar with all types of direct selling at all levels: product, services and project sales as a sales representative, key-account manager and head of sales and business divisions.

He has gained experience in setting up sales forces as a consultant to both a leading international industrial company and an international telecommunications company.

He has also worked as a sales manager, developing service sales for the new business unit of a telecommunications company, of which he subsequently became general manager.

Since 2004, he has been a lecturer in Sales Management at various renowned management institutes and technical colleges.

„Systematic analysis – workable advice – you can spot a winner from the outset!“ “

Jim Wonne

„Solutions only help if they are implemented. The energy to implement these solutions lies in the people. Their enthusiasm for meaningful change is what sets this energy free. Achieving this is what motivates us!“
Jim Wonne studied German, history and sociology. He has been working in IT and communications in the fields of further training and sales for more than 20 years.

He gained his experience from working for both big and medium-sized companies. As manager of a business division, he helped a large training centre to switch its focus from a product to a task-oriented approach. As sales manager for a systems house, he managed that sales and marketing worked together.

„Taking steps forward requires clear goals and consistent implementation!“.

Andreas Schmige

„Changes require the support of the management and confidence of the employees in order to succeed. We see this as one of the greatest challenges of any assignment!“.
Andreas Schmige studied law and business economics. He has been working in sales in IT and communications for more than 25 years. In this time, he has dealt with all aspects of sales: direct marketing, channels, distribution, OEM sales and product and solution-related businesses as a sales representative, sales manager and managing director. His aim has always been the same – to make the business more profitable.

„Taking and implementing new challenges is the decisive factor in success – for both companies and people alike!“